15 Feb, 2025

Virginia Fonseca shares photos of the lunch the doctor paid for at auction | TV and celebrities

Virginia Fonseca shares photos of the lunch sold at auction This Tuesday (18), in Poliana and Leonardo’s house, in Goiânia, the meeting took place between plastic surgeon Guilherme Schieble and Virginia Fonseca. During the auction of the Neymar Junior Institute, the doctor from Maringa, Paraná, He paid R700,000 to spend the day with Zé Felipe’s […]

3 mins read

Who is Marc Abreu, the Brazilian doctor who treats diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer in the United States | amazing

Who is Marc Abreu, the Brazilian doctor who claims to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer in the United States Dr. Marcio Aurelio Martins Abreu graduated as an ophthalmologist in 1985, at the Escola Paulista de Medicina, and soon after he went to the United States, where he worked as a researcher at several universities. There, […]

3 mins read